This hybrid, with beautiful flowers of harmonious shape and intense purple colour, has been widespread in Europe for many years now. Its merits lie in its robust growth, its hardiness and the abundance of its flowers.
Next to the open flowers, with a diameter of 10 cm and borne in terminal racemes, there are always coloured buds of various sizes, ready to bloom in succession, day after day. The aculeated sepals and petals have the same deep purple colour on both sides.
The corona is made up of 4 series of purple filaments, of which the outermost two have a white apex.
The leaves of P. 'Pura Vida' are trilobate, slightly leathery, and glossy dark green.
This passionflower is usually grown in pots, although in many Italian regions it is adaptable to open ground. It withstands the winter in mild areas such as the Ligurian coast, central-southern Italy and the coasts of the great lakes of Northern Italy, where it is able to withstand short frosts and temperatures close to zero. Appropriate protection of its base with peat or straw is certainly necessary.
Elsewhere, it must be kept in a well-lit room and treated like a houseplant. It is necessary to repot it in rich, fertile soil, adding liquid fertiliser to the watering water in the summer at least once a week.
If kept warm, it blooms in successive waves until late autumn.
Various clones of P. 'Pura Vida' are widespread among collectors, named by the author with a number. The most common are P. 'Pura Vida 1', P. 'Pura Vida 2' and P. 'Pura Vida 7'. The latter is the most popular thanks to the intense red colour of the flowers.
As with all
hybrids, new specimens are obtained only by vegetative means. Propagation,
therefore, is easily achieved through cuttings. Thanks to the prompt rooting
and high chance of success, this passionflower is easy to lay one's hands on.